Online notepad made of some random thoughts about Linux and embedded systems.

OpenWRT on Ebox3300 (III): First run

In this part we boot the image created using OpenWRT sources. We’ll see what is working out-of-the-box and what is not.

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Something about Syslinux...

Syslinux is quite interesting bootloader for x86 based machines. It’s not as fancy as Grub (especially 2.0 version and up), but it’s very simple to install and supports booting kernel from, among others, fat or ext2/3/4 partition. It’s perfect for my project of making Ebox3300 based router. In this post I’ll describe the basic installation and configuration.

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OpenWRT on Ebox3300 part II

This part will contain getting the OpenWRT distribution and making basic build.

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OpenWRT on Ebox3300 part I

In this series, I’ll describe my adventure with Ebox3300 industrial mini-pci and turning it to quite capable router. It’ll be also a little guide how to hack OpenWRT Linux distribution.

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Hello world!

This is my first post. Used to test-drive the jekyll framework and set-up my environment to do some work ;).

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